LOVE IT or leave it?


OK, so first things first…about the 30 day challenge




Finished, done, mission accomplished. It was super fun, extremely tough, but unbelievably rewarding. I’m leaner, stronger and have experienced a huge increase in my endurance when I run, teach class, etc. I wish I would have had more time to write about everything, BUT…between training and being a busy mom the blog got put on the back burner.


But I’m back!


I want to share where I’m at since the 30 days and where I’m going…




I don’t really have a good, clear answer for that.



Ok, so that might be a bit of a stretch.


Here is what I do know:

  1. I will ALWAYS live, eat, sleep and breathe an active lifestyle. Literally, after one rest day I am ready to poke out both of my eyes with pencils.
  2. I will continue to fuel my body as I have been since I began the 30 day challenge. For me that doesn’t include any sort of “diet” (i.e. low-carb, low-fat, Paleo, etc). All food groups are included in varying portions. I am a big food journaler (NOT calorie counter) and that will probably stick too. It’s become a very healthy, balanced way of life.
  3. I will continue to teach group fitness as long as I am able. It is a huge gift and completely humbling anytime anyone shows up to work out to some killer music with me – crazy! It’s my oxygen; I don’t think I could live without it.

After that…


…things get a little more unclear.

I had wanted to do a triathlon, but it turns out I am not a huge fan of the bike or pool. I also intended to stay with my training program from the 30 day challenge, but I am not loving my spin workouts these days and I feel like there is just not enough time in the day with school out, etc. And really, am I made for this? Am I that girl? The kind that finishes every spin, bike, run, and crazy class with “big guns” with “is that all you got”?


Ummm…maybe?? I’m not really sure at this moment…but I want to find out, I think?


Do you hear all the excuses and questioning? Honestly, this is where so many of us get stuck!




Stop making excuses and stop questioning yourself. Because you know what?!





YOU CAN FINISH AND SAY “is that all you got”?



I’m going with a big old “NO” on that one. That isn’t all I got. There is more….lots and lots more. This is only the beginning, I’m just getting started.

This is where it gets scary and uncomfortable…when you start to go where you’ve never been before. You start to question yourself, think you aren’t “made for it” that your body just doesn’t “work that way”.

I’m calling my own bluff on this one.

I’m saying your’re just scared and you don’t want to look behind the curtain and see what you’re really made of.

So guess what,


I say:


Leaving would be easy for a minute, but full of lots of yucky stuff like regret, “what if”, and knowing I didn’t give 110%.

Seriously, who wants to deal with that??

For me, it’s all about digging deep on the days I don’t feel like it. It’s easy when the stars align, but your true power is tested when they don’t. That’s when you remember WHY you started your journey in the first place.

I love it when group fitness instructors ask “why are you here”? I mean duh, to get a great workout! I think what they mean is, the bigger WHY…why do you keep showing up, day in day out, good times, bad times, stinky times 😉

Ok, so…why?

I’m putting a stop to any negative chatter that tells me I’m not good enough, I don’t deserve it or I can’t do it. I’m strengthening my body to make my mind so bulletproof that I walk down the street and people want what I’ve got. I’m showing my daugther that YOU CAN do ANYTHING if you WORK HARD, STAY STRONG and PERSERVERE. I’m fighting MY fight, staying positive and standing up for what I want. I’m not a quitter. I’m strong, passionate, energetic, intense, positive, willful, a little crazy, but always have my heart in the right place. I’m ready to rock, bring the noise and prove that I can do it. I’m that girl.

That’s why.

Find your “why”. Love it, don’t ever leave it.




Today is Day 13!

Did you think I left you? HA! Not a chance ;-))

Life got a little busy, but I’m baaaa-aaaack.

I can tell you that I have NOT MISSED A SINGLE WORKOUT in the past 8 days (other than my scheduled rest days of course).


I am still following my nutrition plan, but I had to simplify it in my head: protein/carb/fat every 3-4 hours, no exceptions. I really do feel awesome. The carbs are mainly coming from fruit and veggies, but there is the oatmeal on big workout days and whole grain options here and there.

This is not a weight loss challenge, but I can tell you, there was almost a serious wardrobe malfunction in Target yesterday from wearing jeans that are now too big ;-( or ;-)?? HA!


The big headline is:


Truly, I know, without a shadow of a doubt that I am stronger today than I was 13 days ago – and that’s just 13 days of focusing on TOTAL BODY TRAINING!

Do I execute each move perfectly and never take a break? No. Am I the strongest and best spinner? No. But…can I hang?


I can absolutely hang, and it feels so good!

This week is a little tricky because “the hubs” is out of town. I’m needing to adjust a few things to maintain balance with my family committments and give Ella a double dose of parenting to make up for her missing her Daddy. But let me tell you, we are having a BLAST and I have more than enough energy to make it happen.

That feels pretty darn good.

And really, isn’t that what it’s all about anyway?

Alright lovelies, I’m off to the grocery store…I’ll catch you tomorrow.

Stay strong!

Day 5

Day 5: I NEED the BURN!

Ok, so today was B.U.S.Y. Wowza! Time is my most valuable asset, and I’m trying to use it wisely since I don’t have a ton of it 😉 I squeezed in a trip to Byerly’s after the munchkins swimming lesson to re-stock my protein and veggie supply – this is critical because I take protein and veggies with me EVERYWHERE 😉 If I am not prepared with food, this whole “30 day challenge” ain’t gonna work.

Nutrition for today was about 1500 calories with 45% carb, 28% fat and 28% protein ;( I needed more protein today – going to try and figure that out.

I taught a cardio kickboxing class tonight and was mainly in zones 2-3 so it was a good steady state for me. I burned about 600 calories and almost lost my sports bra during class. Good times. 😉 Thanks to the girl in the front row for helping to put me back together. I don’t think the class had a clue as to what was going on – SUCCESS!

I haven’t had a “Gerry” workout since Saturday and I’m having major withdrawl…feelin’ a little cranky. I need that burn! I can’t get it anywhere else so I’ll be getting my booty to her class. Yes, this is my drug of choice. It’s awesome – I will distribute it widely and encourage others to use it. So good for you my friends.

Sleep tight!


Day 4: Back to Business

OK, well, not really. Kind of? Maybe sort of sometimes? They are good…


The burpees, I mean, I DO love burpees, right?!


It’s day 4 and I’m feeling like I have sooooo much to accomplish in 30 days. This is the slushin through the mud time. The phase where you just have to put your head down and fight through everything – the workouts, the nutrition, the mindset. Just fight and stay strong – keep your head in the game.


The Workout.


Today I taught my class in the morning. I burn about 500 calories in an hour of teaching this class – it’s a beginner level, so there is a lot of walking around and coaching. It’s good for the soul and fun to inspire newbies and peeps in their golden years 😉


I took Jackie’s CardioBlast at the MAC tonight (5:30 kick-off). I was really tired heading into it and not fully “there”. Nutritionally I think I was prepared, I felt good from that standpoint. I think I was just kind of burned out from the morning and then mama duty, ya know? Plus, it was a super gray day and that ALWAYS zaps my energy and puts me out of sorts. I’m just one of those people. Regardless of all that, I managed to get a 600 calorie burn in 50 minutes – not bad.



I had my “new normal” pre-workout breakfast of oatmeal and berries. I have found that I can perform best with this breakfast. I had a protein bar after class followed by cottage cheese, avocado and croutons for lunch – yummy! I ended up at about 1800 calories for the day, 35% from carbohydrates.


I’m exhausted…and I think little munchkin is finally sleeping. Ahhhh. I might just have to break my “no food/beverage after 7pm” rule tonight to allow for 6 ounces of wine. Afterall, this is a shred, but its also my life. As I’ve said before, “sometimes you just gotta.”


Night angels. xox


Day 3: Hydrate and Chillax

Hey All!


No big workouts to write about today, boo! I REALLY miss them, BUT, I know that it is oh-so-good to give the bod a rest.


Luckily I was fairly tired from a late night Bachelorette party with loads of dancing (woot!) last night so I was cool just chillin’ today 😉


For nutrition, the name of the game was:




I consumed about 1200 calories, only 14% from carbohydrates. I felt great all day, never hungry or tired…just chill and happy 😉


I am excited to get back to the gym tomorrow. I’ll be teaching a class in the morning and taking a couple classes tomorrow night at the MAC.


This is getting real. It’s so awesome. Life. Is. Good.




The Workout

“Triple Bypass” at the MAC:

  • 60 minute weight/conditioning class
  • 30 minute cardio
  • 60 minute spin

I felt good going into class today. I finished eating and drinking by 7pm last night and was able to hydrate well before going to bed – that ALWAYS helps me get through big workouts.


I can feel improvement with my push-ups, although I can’t do as many as Gerry asks us to…yet! I wouldn’t even think about doing a push-up from the knees these days – THAT is progress 😉 I really focused on trusting my body today. Even if I had to take a beat and catch my breath during a set, I tried to always finish strong, even if it was only 2-4 additional reps. 😉


I was majorly sucking air during the 30 mins of cardio – this is may be the most frustrating part of class for me because a) I love fun, fast, pumpin cardio and b) I haven’t been performing well after I’ve already fatigued all my muscles…but, I will get there – it’s a state of mind and all about endurance, AND, it will make me stronger for the cardio classes I walk into with fresh legs 😉


Spin is a total blast, however, at about 15 minutes in, I felt like I was going to get a cramp in my right leg – and I HATE those. But, rather than try and fight it and avoid it, I just trusted that my body could handle whatever happened. Guess what, the feeling went away and I was able to get past it. NEVER got a cramp. I tried to pick up my speed and fight through some sets without a break. It is such a mental game – I’m starting to click into that a little more and it feels good. Your mind often wants to stop before your body actually needs to. Really, it’s all about trust my fitness angels.


I’ve been fueling well today – “staying on top of hunger” as Gerry says 😉 I’ve got a bachelorette party tonight, but you won’t catch me guzzling cocktails…I’m working way too hard to let alcohol slow my metabolism and dehydrate me. Let’s be real: I will have 1 or 2, but, I’ll be practicing a 2:1 water to cocktail ratio my friends. This is LIFE, plan accordingly 😉


Love ya’all! Enjoy the beautiful Saturday xox


Day 1: Ain’t No Other

Sometimes you meet people that come into your life and change it…
My darling fitness angels, I have met my ULTIMATE angel that is giving me a whole new set of things to think about when it comes to fitness and nutrition.
Ya’all know I’m PASSIONATE about group exercise. When it’s done right, there isn’t anything else on the planet that can match the high you get from an awesome class. I love me a rockin’ studio 😉
I’ve been around the block and have been to MANY classes. Just as I was starting to think I found all the pros that would ever inspire me, BAM! I meet Gerry. Wowza. She really should come with a warning label that says “Hold on. Buckle up. I’m gonna rock your world!”

Here’s the thing: I’ve been working out with Gerry for about a month now. I know I’m stronger and I know my waistline is shrinking because of how my clothes fit. I’ve also signed up for the LifeTime Fitness Triathlon July 14 (sprint distance ;-). I mean come on, that’s the result of just ONE month of being committed at about 85%.


What would happen if I spent 30 days committed at 110%??


I know, I’m curious too! Lucky for all of us, we’re about to find out!


I didn’t know it at the time, but yesterdays workout marked DAY 1 of my 30 Day TEAM GERRY challenge. I will be following her fitness and nutrition program for 30 days to increase strength and endurance and ultimately change my life forever.


In fairness, I’ve been at the cusp of this for a long time, it’s something I’ve always wanted. I know it’s not for everyone, and some people might not “get it”. For me, there is no greater gift you can give to yourself and the people you love most than the gift of strength and confidence. It’s a great way to teach the oh-so-important life lessons about persistence, courage, determination and love. You gotta love yourself first – how you show yourself that love is something YOU must decide for YOU. No one can do it for you. BUT, people can inspire and encourage and coach you along the way. I’m so dang lucky to have someone like Gerry to do that for me. Feeling pretty blessed 😉


I’ll be posting daily (eeek!) about my fitness and nutrition challenges and accomplishments. I’m sharing my journey in the hopes of inspiring someone else to move from ordinary to EXTRAORDINARY. For someone else, that might just be stepping foot in the gym for the first time ever! How cool!! Whatever it is, I’m here for you just as Gerry is there for me.




In truth and health,




DON’T Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days

I’ve got a MAJOR ax to grind. With summer just around the corner, there a millions of people totally stressed about showing more skin. The lovely people publishing “health and fitness” books and magazines are fully aware of our fear factor and are putting on the full court press to capitalize on every imperfection, moment of self-doubt and body insecurity we’ve got. I’ve been increasingly disgusted with all the crazy headlines trying to “help” you have the “body you’ve always dreamed of.”

I mean REALLY?! Think about it: if “getting the perfect body” was as simple as reading a book or following some “program” in a magazine, wouldn’t you already have “the body you’ve always dreamed of?”

One of the top health & fitness personalities leading the pack with the current wave of hysteria is Jackie Warner.

I read Jackie’s latest book, “Lose 10 pounds in 10 days” to test myself and see how much I’ve grown.

The good news is that I am a heckofa lot smarter than I was even a few years ago. That my friends, is a very good thing. The bad news is, most of America has not had the education I have received and cannot decipher the huge amount of BS that sells these suckers. Millions of people (people at risk for heart disease, diabetes, stroke, etc.) will purchase these books thinking this is going to be IT! They have finally found the answer. They are committed and WILL NOT FAIL! this time…

…until they are having a bad day, can’t follow the ridiculous meal plan (because it’s not REAL LIFE) and find themselves at some fast food joint around 1pm. They end up consuming every single calorie they have been sacrificing and then some. Depression and a sense of failure sets in immediately. They are off the wagon and on to another year of not feeling STRONG! ENERGIZED! EMPOWERED!

It IS NOT OK to survive on 900 calories a day as Jackie suggest in her book. It’s just not ok. Plain and simple. I have survived on even less than that and let me tell you, it’s NO FUN and definitely NOT WORTH IT! There are those of us that actually thrive on this ultra rigorous suggestion of a very low calorie diet to “lose 10 pounds in 10 days”. There is an initial “high” from the success, but that is short-lived and leads to a whole other set of issues. Crawling into this rabbit hole can take YEARS to climb out of. My suggestion: don’t even go there.

What I want you to know is this: YOU CAN lose weight. YOU CAN have a strong, healthy, sexy, beautiful body. YOU CAN use nutrition to fuel your life. YOU CAN wear shorts and rock a bikini. YOU REALLY CAN!


….it’s going to take more than 10 days.

Sorry for the buzzkill! I mean, you might be halfway to your goal after dieting on Jackie’s plan for 5 days and here I am telling you to knock it off?! What do I know anyway?!

What I know, is that a life on a diet is not a life. I know that a trainer that is just as much of an expert, if not more, than Jackie Warner and actually CARES about YOU (like my friend DEE!) is not EVER going to recommend 900 calories per day NOR are they going to tell you to give them 10 days and you will be 10 pounds lighter. I know that loving yourself exactly as you are is the first step to living your life in the body you’ve always dreamed of. I know that working out is not easy; it’s painful and hard and takes time. I also know that I’ve never felt more alive than when I am kicking tail in the gym and walking away stronger than I was yesterday. I know that dieting can make you feel good for a moment…but the moment is fleeing because dieting isn’t really living. I know that LIVING and taking charge of your destiny totally rocks.


And, because I follow Jackie Warner on Twitter, I also know that she had to leave the movie, “The Hunger Games” because she was HUNGRY and had a horrible “hunger pain”. You just can’t make that up. I think I’ve made my point. HA!

Swimsuit season is NOT a reason to gain control of the health habits that are weighing you down. Neither is a wedding, vacation, class reunion, or 1st date. I swear!

The reason these are NOT good REASONS is because they are single moments in time. They are big awesome things, but they only last a day, or, at most, a week. That my lovelies, is not enough to sustain a HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE.

At the same time, an unpacked suitcase, load of laundry or any other mundane chore is also not a reason NOT to gain control of your health. Those things aren’t going anywhere – remember that. I like to call those pesky little things, excuses. And, if you’re makin’ them, there is a reason. It’s up to YOU to figure that one out 😉

My wish for all of us is that we stop with the quick fix. It just doesn’t exist, plain and simple.

What does work is surrounding yourself with people that love you and can pick you up when you stumble. Find someone to inspire you, push you, question you. Tell yourself that you deserve more; that you don’t want to spend another day not feeling like you have honored the AMAZING body you have been given. Do the basic things our ancestors did before us: drink plenty of water, eat whole (real) food as much as you can, MOVE, take time off, SLEEP!

Strength and beauty can’t be found in a book or a magazine. Those things lie deep within each one of us. The journey of life is to reach in and embrace our inner strength and USE IT. Honor it. Don’t let it go. Don’t let some publisher cheapen it with a fictional headline. Grab it, hold on, and enjoy the ride…for a LIFETIME, not just 10 days 😉

Peace out angels. xx
















Gerry Haeger in da HOUSE!

OK, Minneapolis, so I KNOW I’m a little (a lot?) behind the 8-ball on this one.
Gerry Haeger has been kicking a$$ in the group fitness community for YEARS…like 20…at least.
I’ve heard people mention her, say I should try her classes, tell me they’re good, blah, blah, blah.
I’m REALLY picky when it comes to group fitness instructors.
I mean…REEEEAAAAALLLLLY particular about who I give my time and attention to when it comes to my very precious workout hours.
So, because of that, I’ve been doing my thing and wondering, “Who should I try next?”
{Mind you, while I was wondering, Ms. G has been kicking severe tail – I can’t even begin to think about the hours of classes I’ve missed – ARGH!}
Anyway, my dear friend Susie FINALLY got through to me. Susie is a MAC girl and she is also REEEEEAAAAALLLLLY particular about her instructors. {And btw, I’ll be featuring Susie in a future post – stay tuned!}
Gerry can be found in Eden Prairie, Minnetonka, and Minneapolis. I decided to hit “the MAC” downtown first.
Yes suburbanistas, I said downtown.
I live in the suburbs, and I hear you. It might seem like a lot to commit to drive DOWNTOWN, park, etc. Here’s the thing…IT’S SATURDAY MORNING! There isn’t any traffic and parking (validated by LifeTime @ $2) is a breeze. So, get over that excuse right now because it’s just silly.
The MAC is such a cool location for a gym – there are lots of levels and, if it’s your first time there, you WILL have to ask the friendly LifeTime Fitness employees where the heck you are going. But no worries, those people in the black shirts get paid to do just that and trust me, they are (mostly) happy to help 😉
I have taken two of Gerry’s Saturday morning classes at “the MAC”. I ventured out one freezing cold February morning for her 2-hour spin class, and, just last week, I did the “triple bypass” (2.5 hours of weights, cardio and spin). Oh lord, let me tell you, after BOTH classes, I felt completely spent yet totally exhilirated all at the same time. I think I’m still high from all of the endorphins.
I have also taken her spin class at Eden Prairie Athletic Club as well as her Wednesday morning class at Minnetonka Athletic Club. Both of these are HARD (of course), ATHLETIC (duh), and PUSH YOU beyond where you imagine you can go. That my friends, is called getting out of your comfort zone.

Here is the thing about Gerry. She is a total rockstar and super sweet. You will adore her the minute you meet her. (Did I mention she’s in CRAZY good shape?) BUUUUT, don’t get too excited because she is about to inflict a serious amount of pain and make you REALLY uncomfortable. Doesn’t that sound like fun? HA! OK, for me, I don’t want it any other way. I can dance in my kitchen and burn a few hundred calories, no problem. And yes, that is fun and a sign that I like to move and be active. However, if you want more than your average “dancing-in-the-kitchen” group fitness class, you need to get your booty to one of Gerry’s killer workouts ASAP. Serioulsy run, don’t walk. Get there!
If you want to change your life and change your body, Gerry is one of my best picks for how to make that happen.
Case in point: I have been doing “halfsy” (from the knee) push-ups for a really long time. I’m not really sure why, probably because it’s a good resting position 😉 That doesn’t fly in Gerry’s class. No way, no how – but I am oh-so-thankful for that. Gerry is helping me to do the REAL DEAL, full on, grown-up PUSH-UPS. She helps me get through them and is there to catch me if I can’t push back up. That is the serious dedication which has helped to elevate my expectation of myself. That’s the real gift that you get from her. She believes in you and KNOWS that YOU CAN DO MORE.
If you look around her classes, the people in there don’t look like people in your average group fitness class. They are ATHLETES, the real deal. They are there to prove to themselves what they are made of. They push, go, believe, sweat, start and finish…strong.
I want that.
I really do.
So, slowly but surely, I’m going, getting there, trying. I suck wind in the first 5 seconds and feel like I can’t do another minute. I let Gerry help me, check my ego at the door, and go for it. I struggle and I want to cry because it really is just so hard. But I don’t cry. I keep going, I tell myself I can, and I listen to Gerry tell me how strong I am. I start to belive her. It’s crazy and it’s intense, but it’s AWESOME.

Lets be clear that this isn’t about a quest to be a certain size or weight. Ya’all know I smashed my scale. I honestly could care less about how much I weigh.

What I DO care about is how much I CAN DO. I want to be able to do full-on push-ups. I want to build core strength to protect my back. I want to see how much weight I can use for a bicep curl. I want my legs to feel like jello and futher challenge the idea of what kind of leg designers need to fit. I want to be a good role model for Ella, to show her what a truly strong mama can do.

The cool thing is, I know Gerry wants this for me too. She is right by my side helping to make it happen. I have to show-up. I have to do the work. She is there to guide and inspire. Together, it is a beautiful thing. I can’t wait to see how this story is gonna end.

In the mean time, I challenge you to try her class if you haven’t. Don’t be scared, don’t hesitate, don’t doubt what you can do. Just go. Rock out. Let her do what she does best. In the end, you’ll feel a little more bad-a$$ in your everyday life. Can’t go wrong with that my friends.

Peace, love and push-ups ya’all.


Dear Demi Lovato


So, I am a big fan of MTV. I commend them for tackling issues that are wildly important to our young people. About a week ago, they aired a documentary about Demi Lovato titled, “Stay Strong”. Camera crews were by Demi’s side during her first tour post-rehab.

*Demi was treated for anorexia, bulimia, and cutting in early 2011*

I watched the documentary.

It really made me think about my 19 year old self. What do I KNOW now that I wish I would have KNOWN then?

As someone who kicked an eating disorder in the A$$, I feel compelled to write a letter to this beautiful, young girl with a great, big, LIFE ahead of her.

The thing is, this letter is addressed to Demi, but really, it’s to the 19 year old me, to the mothers still battling and trying to keep it all together, to the grandmothers that still haven’t found peace, to our friends that never feel good enough, and, maybe most importantly, to all the young girls of the world that have the power to make a difference.

And so, myfitnessangel friends, I bring to you,

“Dear Demi.”

Dear Demi,

At the tender age of 19, your world may feel at times so big, maybe too big. Too many dreams, too many possibilites, too many things unknown.


The crazy thing is, your world may also feel so small and so lonely.

I wish I could tell you that at some magic moment those two worlds will collide and it will all make sense.

That’s not gonna happen sister. That, is the crazy little thing called LIFE.

What I can tell you, is that the world does get easier to “be” in. BUT, you have to learn to “be” first.

BE brave, BE bold, BE honest.

Be BRAVE with others – tell ’em what you NEED and don’t settle for less. Surround yourself with positivity and l.o.v.e.


Make BOLD choices – just go for it. Whatever you can believe, you can achieve. THAT, is a true statement.

BE honest with yourself. This is a tough one. I mean, REALLY tough sometimes.

Are you loving YOU for YOU? Are you treating yourself with unconditional LOVE and RESPECT?

Answer honestly, for you and only you. The truth really does set you free.

Know what you ARE and what you ARE NOT…then BE that.

It is impossible to serve two masters. You cannot be in recovery and also try to “be fit”.


Ya, I speak your language sista. When you say “be fit”, I believe you mean:


Not gonna happen. No way, no how, not happenin.

That’s Lights! Camera! Action!

Recovery is just the opposite.

The deal is this, GOD gave you a wonderful, glorious body. HE also gave you some crazy mad TALENT to go with that BODY. YOUR BODY was made just for YOU!

You will BE much happier if you REDEFINE your definition of “BE FIT”.

The “in recovery” definition of “be fit” should be all about the things you CAN DO and what you ARE:


Get through this! Do what I LOVE! Feel strong and empowered!


beautiful*perfect just as I am*ok*strong*smart*talented

not what you can’t:


Being “fit” is not a size or a number, it’s a feeling from within that you first must choose. You then need to let go. Let go of perfection, the highs and the lows, feast or famine. Just let it all go, and move on to the REAL YOU.

Get it. Own it. Rock it.

Throw away your scale. Keep your favorite letters and photographs. Journal. Take risks. Try new things. Cherish the happy memories, write them down. Take a day off to see a movie and eat ice cream. Run in the park. Write love notes on your mirror with red lipstick. Compliment yourself just as much as you compliment others. BE comfortable eating alone, and with others. Connect with people, acknowledge your fears. Set your own boundaries and respect those of others. Believe that you already have all the answers. Make mistakes & learn from them. Don’t dwell. Cry when you need to, laugh just because. Smile not only at those around you, but at the beauty looking back at you in that mirror that DOES lie. Eat what tastes GOOD. Give thanks everyday for the little things that make you whole. Don’t worry. LIVE with abandon, but don’t be reckless. Just BE.

In the end, it’s your life, your time. Make it count and always,



Stay strong fitness angels.

And in case you forget,